81% of podcast listeners in Spain have discovered new brands through podcast ads, according to Acast survey
81% of podcast listeners in Spain have discovered new brands through podcast ads, according to Acast survey
Acast, the world's largest independent podcast company, has conducted a survey among 400 daily podcast listeners in Spain, shedding light on the effectiveness and positive perception of podcast advertising within the Spanish market. The results are clear: the Spanish audience not only demonstrates a high acceptance of ads within podcasts but also values them positively.
Key findings include:
- Improved Perception and Positive Association: An overwhelming 97% of respondents confirmed that their perception of a brand either improved or remained positive when advertised through podcasts.
- Drive to Action: A remarkable 80% of listeners reported visiting a website multiple times in response to a podcast advertisement, showcasing the strong impact of this medium in driving engagement .
- Higher Acceptance than Other Platforms: Acceptance of podcast ads was found to be twice as high as that of radio ads and three times higher than that of music streaming advertising, further emphasising the unique appeal and influence of podcasts.
- Enabling Free Access to Podcasts: A significant 78% of respondents agreed that advertisements play a crucial role in allowing their favourite podcasts to remain free of charge, highlighting the symbiotic relationship between ads and podcast content.
- Discovery of New Brands and Products: An impressive 81% of listeners stated that they had discovered at least one new brand or product through podcast advertising, underscoring the power of this medium in driving brand awareness and discovery.
Megan Davies, Managing Director, International, at Acast, commented on the survey's outcomes: "Spain's thriving podcast market brings lucrative advertising opportunities. With rapid content growth and rising listenership—Acast saw 6 million monthly listens to its hosted content in Spain in May—and dynamic events, podcasting in Spain is poised to rival other European countries. Our research confirms attentive listeners and reveals a prime window for brands to make a mark through podcast advertising."
This survey was conducted in collaboration with Attest. Data was collected in Spain in May 2023 and is representative of 400 daily podcast listeners.